Over the past 10 years, members of Marion County had become concerned about the state of the pioneer cemeteries in the county. With our proximity to the Des Moines River, Marion County has a very high number of pioneer cemeteries, often found in the back of cornfields…at the end of dead-end roads…along the fence rows of pastures. And many of these were in poor condition, some even being obliterated and no longer recognizable.
The Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission (MCPCC) believes these cemeteries should be preserved for three reasons:
- It’s a matter of respect. Just because there are no families left to care for these resting places doesn’t mean, we believe, that these cemeteries should simply be farmed over or left to disintegrate.
- It’s a matter of history. A walk among the stones of many of these cemeteries reveals the resting places of Marion County’s first pioneers. Dozens of people contact the MCPCC each year wanting information on ancestors. Our cemeteries are living history books.
- It’s a matter of art and culture. The stonework, designs, and prose found on these stones are no longer manufactured on modern gravestones. They are works of artistic beauty. The sites for the cemeteries themselves are usually in lovely locations and need to be preserved.
In June 2011, after being petitioned by Marion County residents, the Marion County Board of Supervisors chartered the MCPCC with the task of identifying, restoring, and maintaining pioneer cemeteries in the county that are not already being cared for by another entity.

The MCPCC meets the last Monday night of the month from March to October, with the exception of May, when we meet the last Tuesday night (to accommodate Memorial Day).
Usually, there is one “interim” meeting held during the winter months.
Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, one block west of the northwest corner of the square, across from Peace Tree Brewery.
Anyone interested in the work of the MCPCC—whether they live inside or outside the county—is welcome to attend.

The MCPCC tries to schedule at least one workday each month, usually on a Saturday morning or a Wednesday evening. These are scheduled at the monthly meetings and announced to members via email. Anyone is welcome to come help us at a workday, even if you are not able to attend monthly meetings.

• Valerie Van Kooten, Pella, Chairman (2025); marioncountycemetery@gmail.com
• Steffany Micetich, Knoxville, Vice Chairman (2025); spuls5@gmail.com
• Janet Ritchie, Knoxville, Treasurer (2024); jadaritchie@gmail.com
• Bev Jones, Knoxville, Secretary (2024); bajones@iowatelecom.net
• Marla Suter, Knoxville, Vicar (2026); mlsuter@iowatelecom.net