Applegate Cemetery doesn't appear on any county maps or plats and is so named because of the one stone still there for Ansel Applegate.
The closest 911 address is in the 1100 block of 132nd Place, Knoxville. The cemetery is located in the NW corner of Section 29, North Knoxville Township, just south of Whitebreast Creek. The GPS coordinates are 93*4'55.889"W. 41*21'41.656"N.
To get to the cemetery, take 132nd Place north until you see a pump station and sign telling you that you are entering Corps land. Follow the gravel road east over the high water area until you reach a farm gate on the south side. Walk in through the gate and along the east side of the farm field. Follow the fence line back until it ends. Cut through the woodlot to the east across to the second fence row. Applegate is just across from the fence. It is marked with orange flags and tape.
There are 11 brick pillars in the area (perhaps part of a foundation or fence row?) There are also two other bases from possible headstones. Ansel's stone is a block with a sloped top about 2.5 feet x 1.5 feet, reading, "Ansel M. Applegate, Dec. 22, 1890-May 9, 1892."
This presents a mystery for the MCPCC. There is a death register for Stanley Applegate who died on May 9, 1892, of influenza (could this be Ansel?) and who is buried at Indiana Cemetery with a newer red stone and the inscription 1890-1892. There is no stone at Indiana Chapel for a Stanley Applegate. How did Ansel's stone end up north of Knoxville? When this cemetery was found in 2002, it had a red Christmas decoration on it, so it has obviously been visited.
If you have information about the Applegate Cemetery or Ansel Applegate, please contact the MCPCC.