Pendroy Cemetery is located in Summit Township, Section 16 Township 77 Range 19, at 371 160th place, Otley. The parcel number is 2243900000.
Just northwest of Otley off Highway 163 on a farm occupied by Glen and Mary Beyer, this cemetery was "hidden in plain sight" in the middle of a farm field on land owned for decades by the Kaldenberg family, and thereby saved. It is a small cemetery with only two remaining stones; however, it is thought that there are 5-6 other burials there. One of those buried there is Samuel Harden who died in 1862; he has an obelisk with an anchor symbol on his stone. There is also a marble stone for John Donnel who died in 1863.
The Pendroys were early pioneers to Marion County in the 1850s. The cemetery was recently fenced by the Pella High School Service Day group; signage should be up by the end of the year.
If you want to visit the cemetery, please call the Beyers at (641) 627-5441 to set up a time. If you have information on further burials at Pendroy, contact the MCPCC.