Teter Cemetery is located in Union Township Section 12 Township 76 Range 20 and is located on Hwy. 14 between the south end of the Mile-Long Bridge crossing Lake Red Rock and Hwy. G40. The parcel number is 2324800100.
This half-acre cemetery is one of the most beautiful plots in the county. It is accessed from Hwy. 14 with a steep road easement and is difficult to see from the highway. The cemetery is surrounded by land owned by Willard and Susan Prather; the knoll on which the gravestones rest is surrounded by swales on the south, west, and north sides. The cemetery is not fenced but is regularly mowed.
Twenty gravestones in poor condition were rescued several years ago by laying them on a giant concrete pad. Approximately 90 stones are present plus at least two dozen unmarked or missing. There are also believed to be at least one grave in the north side of the cornfield. The cemetery is named for Samuel and Eliza Teter, who gave the land for the cemetery.​