Watkins Cemetery is located in Knoxville Township Section 28 Township 76 Range 20, in the 900 block of Jewell Drive, Knoxville. The parcel number is 0734100100.
From Knoxville, go 3 miles west to the intersection of Hwy. 92 and 92nd Ave. Go 2 miles north and 1/2 mile east. There is a mowed trail 400 feet from the gravel road to the cemetery entrance. This cemetery was missed in the 1976 Marion County Cemetery Book but is included in the 1989 additions book. The site is the original size with the gravestones in the middle and much room on all sides.
Brendan Finan, a local Boy Scout, recently restored Watkins as part of his Eagle Scout badge. Brendan cleared brush, had the stones restored (almost all of which were tipped over or broken) and had signage putin place.